Our systems are developed in order to deliver to the client the best technology used in Milling, Crushing, Flocking and Micronization of materials, mainly food grains, as non-food, as minerals, plastics, etc. Complete system for granulometry control, from the thickest to the micronized, meeting the standards desired by customers. Among the systems, we find several types of system, cylinders, hammer, impact, spheres , pendular , each with its proper application and specialty.
In grain mills (beads and side milling products), Balanced food factories (ration, vegetables), production of fine flour for maceration filter, press oil extraction (meals extraction and residue extraction (in the case of a change in the quality of the food) , Soybean, Minerals, Plastic Industry, medicinal.
List of Products that we can grind, crush, micronize: Wood, Abs, Cellulosi Acetates, Chocolates, Amino Acid, Synthetic Acid, Agrotoxics, Locust, Algae, Alginate, Peanuts, Starches, Anhydrides, Anis, Argilla, Aromatics, Rice, Oats , Potatoes, Vanilla, Bicarbonates, Pasta, Nitric Gums, Thermoplastics, Coffee, Cacau, Caffeine, Lime, Cinnamon, Kaolin, Carbonates, Freeze Dried Meat, Coal , Mineral Coal, husk, Crack (Orange, Seafood, Nuts, Oysters, Eggs, Ceulosis, Carrots, Rye, Cereals, Barley, Mushrooms, Collagen, Dyes, Cumin, Compounds, Acetate Copolymer Cork, leather, ergot, Cream Icing Lyophilized, elastomers, synthetic elastomers, peas, Eva, sharp objects, meat, fish meal, medicine, Haba, Hay, Yeast, Ferrite, fertilizer, acrylic fibers, Phosphates, fructose, fungicides , gelatin, gentian, ginger, cereal germ, gypsum, calcium glutamate, gluten, arabic gum, graphite, hematite, allena, herbicides, aluminum hydroxide, inceticide, lactose, latex, sugar, lentils, lichex, wood, magnetite, malt, cassava / yucca, marl, marble, pasta, corn, monoglycerin, nut, nutmeg, hydrated castor oil, bones, magnesium oxide, oxides (various), bread, paprika, paraffin, pestilence, pesticides, pigments, pepper , plants, pollen, polyacrylamide, polyamide, polycarbonate, polyester, polystyreneconcrete, polymers, polyurethane, Dairy Products, Milk Protein, Rigid Pvc, cheese, roots, grouting, Aminoplast Resin, Epoxy Resin, Resin Fe Wind, Silicone Resin, Synthetic Resin, Vinyl Resin, Resins, Soap, Salt, Organic Salt, Carob Seed, Guarana Seed, Grape Seed, Seeds, Semolina, Sene Leaves, Silica, Silicates (various), Soft Pvc, Bean Soy, Full Fat Soy, Textured Soybeans, Sorghum, Milk Whey, Sulfadimetosine, Sulfates, Tobacco, Talc, Tamarind, Tellurium, Titanium, Thyme, Cacao Cake, Oil Cake (various), Soybean Cake, Wheat, Peat , urea, vermiculite, Vestamida, waffel, Freeze-dried Yogurt
As it happens in the cleaning process, the raw materials received in the processing plants is not, in most cases, a standardized product. Before processing, they must standardize removing foreign materials, lumps, turrone and contaminations that occur during harvesting, during transport, during processing and storaging The Products . Our equipment separates the defective materials with maximum efficiency based on diverse physical characteristics: size, density, shape, etc. This process is used in the most diverse applications and product classification such as flour, beans, sugar, corn, wheat, rubber, minerals, salt, powders and ground, etc.
- Types of Vibratory Screens
- Circular Vibratory
- Eccentric Vibratory
- Vibratory Go-Comes
- Electromagnetic Vibratory
- Pneumatic Vibratory
- Horizontal Vibration
- Inclined Vibratory
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Avenida Santos Dumont, 1450 - Santo Antônio CEP 89223-003
Joinville - Santa Catarina