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Por Admin  |   20 Sep 2018

Acting in different areas of the refrigerator segment, we can offer our customers products and services ensuring high quality and perfect functioning of what is requested.

We develop lines of sacrifices of birds, pigs, sheep and cattle, having a high range of products ranging from the animals reception to secondary packaging, we also offer a project service and lay-out adjustments, rigorously meeting all the standards required in each country.

Our perspective always focuses on creating the highest added value, which meets current needs, but also takes into account the possibilities of the future.

Some equipment by type of Animal:

BOVINE: stunning, skinned, eviscerated, washing machines, processing of viscera and giblets, legs changing, cutting, Marinated and turned, Elaborated, Freezing, Classification and lots processing, Packaging and end of line, Internal logistics, Weighing (scales), Processed products, sausages

Talk to us

Contact us via the site to forward your need to the representative.

Phone / WhatsApp

Avenida Santos Dumont, 1450 - Santo Antônio CEP 89223-003
Joinville - Santa Catarina


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