SOLUTEK offers its customers, Italian technology, a world leader in the development, design and manufacture of radiofrequency (RF) equipment for the drying and thermal processing of raw materials, intermediate products and finished industrial products. Drying of textile fibers and yarns, technical-textile products and related products (glass fibers, polymer foams, no fabric, etc.) is the most well-known and widespread application of radiofrequency equipment.
In addition to fiber and textile yarn, the solutions embrace innovative applications of special radiofrequency technology in the food industry for the first time on a truly industrial scale, such as the rapid defrosting of frozen fish, meat, vegetables and other raw or processed food products , pasteurization and sterilization of either packaged solid foods or liquid products, disinfestation and disinfection in large quantities of dry agricultural products (nuts, grains, vegetables, etc.), aromatic and medicinal herbs, etc.
The systems offered are always focused on the development of innovative thermal processing technologies and the supply of integrated and automated turnkey production lines.
We serve: Textiles, Meat industry, grains, vegetables, herbs, defrosting, pasteurization and sterilization of either packaged solid foods or liquid products, and in the disinfestation and disinfection of dry products.
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Avenida Santos Dumont, 1450 - Santo Antônio CEP 89223-003
Joinville - Santa Catarina